Since 1895, Chiropractic has been naturally helping people live healthier lives…

A Natural Approach

Our bodies are naturally self-healing and self-regulating, when free of stress and interference. For example, if there is a thorn in your hand, your body cannot heal the wound until the thorn is removed. Once the thorn is out, without conscious thought, your physiology begins taking action and seals the site of trauma. Chiropractic works from this premise and seeks to allow the body to express its natural processes, rather than try to suppress the signals our bodies give us. Whether you’re seeking healing, wholeness, or optimal life expression and performance, start with freeing yourself of interference with chiropractic.

I initially came to Dr. Pinto to see if he can help my neck and shoulder pain. Not only does he perform exceptional adjustments, but he also takes the time to walk me through a series of movements to carry out so that I can maintain better spine health...Not only has my shoulder and neck improved, but I’ve found myself sleeping and breathing better. Thank you!
— Nicholas S., Cinematographer

The Science

Our spines are not only important for movement, but they are our “suit of armor” for a large part of our nervous system. Our nervous system is the electrical wiring system of our body, made up of the brain, spinal cord and the nerves that stem off of it. It is how your body is able to communicate with itself and perceive/adapt to its environment.

With lack of proper motion in the spine and/or poor posture, it creates a few problems within our bodies. One issue is your brain has a skewed perception of itself, because motion in the spine is like the "eyes” for your body. This leads to movement compensations, muscle imbalances, balance/coordination issues, and lack of mobility due to your body’s muscle bracing as a protective mechanism. Over time, this can lead to uneven wear & tear, injuries, and chronic pain issues.

Whether pain is or is not present, if there is stress on your brain, mind, or nerve system, your body’s physiology responds as if it is a life or death situation. Think about if a bear came into your room right now. Your heart rate would increase, your blood would move away from your digestive system and towards your muscles, and your immune system would suppress since your body is more focused on immediate survival. Additionally, the creative, compassionate, and executive functions of your brain would be diminished, since they are not necessary for running away from a bear. Whether it’s mental/emotional stress, physical stress, or toxic/chemical stress, our bodies respond with this survival or “fight or flight” physiology and often get stuck here, unless something is changed.

Due to its ability to remove stress on the nervous system, regular chiropractic care has been shown to not only dampen your body’s stress response, but it makes you more adaptable to stress in general! This means that in addition to more mobility, better balance/coordination, and improved athletic performance, chiropractic will help your sleep patterns, digestion, immune system, and brain function better too!